News - 12 May 2016

D2N2 supports Environment Preservation in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire

Businesses wishing to know how they can better protect the environment in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire were given information about funding available for projects at a D2N2 ESIF workshop today (May 12).

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Workshop for PA 5 and 6 was held at Mansfield’s i-Centre, (NG18 5BR) and featured speakers from the D2N2 LEP and Natural England. The workshop explained how businesses can access £5.8million of EU funding to bring forward projects that preserve and protect the natural habitat in D2N2.

This is as part of D2N2’s €250m European funding allocation, which is used for business infrastructure projects, tackling access to employment and promoting and developing rural economies. D2N2 is the Local Enterprise Partnership for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and works to grow its areas economy.

Today’s event, along with a similar workshop held in Derby yesterday (May 11), was designed to help businesses understand and apply for a share of this ERDF funding, the deadline for which is Friday May 27.

The workshops are part of a planned series of events to be held in May across D2N2 to inform organisations about the European funding opportunities available designed to promote growth, jobs and skills in the D2N2 area. There will be events held week commencing 16 May for organisations to learn more about opportunities available within the ESF INSPIRE Local programme

Today’s event gave more information on the current calls for projects that support the mitigation of the effects of climate change, enhance the natural environment and promote resource efficiency in businesses. Presentations were followed by a question and answer session lead by Martin Moss (pictured), from Natural England and Richard Kirkland, from the D2N2 LEP.

Businesses with ideas for projects which look at resource efficiency, managing climate change and environment preservation can apply for a share of the £5.8m fund, which can cover up to 50% of the total projects cost. The other 50% will need to be from a source that is not the European Union.

The minimum single bid which can be made to the D2N2 fund is £500,000, meaning projects costing less than a million pounds in total would not be considered. The project funding is designed to last for up to three years.

Speaking after today’s event, Richard Kirkland, D2N2 ESIF Co-Ordinator, said:

“It’s vitally important that businesses with ideas on how to protect and sustain the natural environment across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire are aware of this ERDF funding call and understand how to make bids effectively; this is why we’re running these events.”

“The feedback we’ve received indicates that those who attended found the events useful and interesting. We are holding events next week for organisations interested in applying to the £4.5m ESF INSPIRE Local programme which aims to support unemployed people back into the workplace.”

For more information on the climate change call, visit

For more information on the resource efficiency call, click

For more information on the INSPIRE Local call, visit –

To book a place on an INSPIRE Local event, visit

Queries on all the current European funding ‘calls’ should be directed to Richard Kirkland, ESIF Co-ordinator for D2N2, on email:

For further information on how D2N2 is investing its European Structural and Investment Funds see its web link at

For more information about this news release contact Sam Burbage, Social Media and Marketing Officer at the D2N2 LEP, on 01159 578254, or by email:

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