Low Carbon Growth

We will lead the most ambitious carbon turnaround in the country.
The legacy of the industrial revolution has served us well, but the challenge of climate change means we must now realign our social, environmental and economic goals. Our region has business, academic and natural assets that mean we can punch well above our weight in delivering the Government’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution.
These key priorities are set our in our Recovery and Growth Strategy:
- Deliver an ambitious programme to convert our existing energy assets to low carbon to support the ambitions of our area to get to net carbon zero before the 2050 deadline.
- Immediately stimulate our economy, increase skill levels and tackle fuel poverty by investing in regional energy efficiency programmes.
- Maximise the power of our natural assets to contribute to carbon sequestration and mitigating the economic impacts of climate change.
- Focus on innovation and knowledge transfer to ensure the expertise in low carbon in all of our industrial sectors including manufacturing, housing, logistics and agriculture is adopted quickly and widely across all sectors and places.
The Low Carbon Growth Group oversees the D2N2 Energy Strategy.
Our work on the business and innovation agendas is led by our Low Carbon Growth Group, co-chaired by Becky Rix of Roadgas and Wayne Bexton of Nottingham City Council. Unlike our business and skills advisory boards, the Low Carbon Growth Group is an informal group which does not have a formal set of terms of reference or publish its minutes online, but please contact info@d2n2lep.org if you would like to know more.
Support for decarbonising growth
In 2021 we launched our Low Carbon Innovation Fund. The initial £6.5m fund will lever in over £8m of further investment in seven projects. Each project is something that was considered too risky for traditional finance, so D2N2 is stepping into the gap to grow the market and raise awareness in the region and beyond of the new technologies being created or adopted in our region.
Details of the projects will be added here once they are formally signed off.
Support is also available for a range of low carbon skills through our Skills Bootcamps.
The D2N2 Growth Hub can provide advice on other support that is available in our region.
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