A Nottinghamshire village has now been completely upgraded as part of a project which is part-funded by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
The village of Selston has complete access to superfast broadband (speed of over 24megabits per second) now that the installation of the final fibre broadband cabinet has been completed in Lilley Close (pictured). This is as part of the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire (BBfN) programme, the second phase of which is being funded by the D2N2 LEP.
D2N2 is the LEP serving Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and works with local authorities, businesses, skills and training providers and community and voluntary organisations to grow its areas economy, with the aim of creating 55,000 new jobs in ten years (2013-2023).
As part of this mission, it receives an allocation of Local Growth Funding (LGF) from Government, which can be used to part-finance projects which can help to boost infrastructure and business growth. The BBfN and Digital Derbyshire – BBfN’s Derbyshire counterpart – programmes are each receiving a share of D2N2’s LGF allocation, and aim to increase the availability of superfast broadband across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, with the overall aim of achieving 98% superfast broadband coverage across the two counties.
D2N2 is giving £4.8million across the two schemes (£2.63million to BBfN and £2.19million to Digital Derbyshire. The £29million BBfN initiative is being delivered as a partnership between Nottinghamshire County Council, D2N2 LEP, BT, the Government’s Broadband Delivery UK and other partners. This will prove particularly useful to businesses who work outside of city centres, especially those which work in the creative and digital sector, one of eight key sectors identified by the LEP as an area in which Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire have an existing strong presence, and where there is also room for new business to develop and grow.
Lilley Close is one of over 130 areas in Nottinghamshire which will either get access to fibre broadband for the first time or see existing provision boosted to superfast speeds by Spring 2018 as part of phase two of the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire (BBfN) programme. The second phase of the programme, which began earlier this year (2016), will cover a further 18,000 properties, in addition to the 62,000 homes and businesses receiving fibre broadband from BBfN phase one.
Councillor Diana Meale, Chair of Economic Development Committee at Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “Our overall target to make superfast broadband available to 98% of the county’s homes and business by 2018 will put Nottinghamshire at the forefront of digital connectivity in the UK, putting us in pole position to attract the growth and jobs that good broadband will support.”
To find out if your property falls within the BBfN roll out areas, visit web link www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/broadband.
To find out more about D2N2’s LGF allocation, and to see what else is being done with it, visit www.d2n2lep.org/growth/local-growth-fund
To find out more about the work of the D2N2 LEP generally, visit www.d2n2lep.org/
For more information on the above release, please contact Sam Burbage, Social Media and Marketing Officer at the D2N2 LEP, on 01159 578254, or by email: sam.burbage@d2n2lep.org