D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership will officially launch the North Derbyshire Careers Hub at an event in Chesterfield on January 14 2020.
At the North Derbyshire Careers Hub launch, attendees will learn first-hand how the ambitions of the Hub will shape the future of young people as they think about the skills that will be needed in the future workplace and the careers available in a rapidly changing landscape.
Guest speakers at the Chesterfield event include representatives from D2N2, The Careers & Enterprise Company, Derbyshire County Council, schools, and local businesses.
The event will run from 10:00 until 12:30 at the Casa Hotel in Chesterfield.
Tickets are free and available here.
The North Derbyshire Careers Hub
The North Derbyshire Careers Hub is made up of 21 schools and colleges working together to transform careers education for young people across the region.
Led by D2N2 with £80,000 in financial support from the Careers & Enterprise Company; the Careers Hub works collaboratively with universities, training providers, employers, Enterprise Advisers, and careers professionals alongside lead school Shirebrook Academy to deliver the Gatsby Benchmarks and improve careers outcomes for young people.
In addition, the hub also offers a central fund for employer engagement activities and training for a ‘Careers Leader’ in each school.
The North Derbyshire Careers Hub is part of a wider network of hubs set up across the country by LEPs and supported by the Careers & Enterprise Company. Hubs have garnered support from the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) and more than 100 ‘cornerstone employers’ across the country who have committed to driving and championing connections to the world of work; including Airbus, KPMG, Anglian Water and GCHQ.
The Careers Hubs are based on a pilot scheme by the Gatsby Foundation (which is behind the Gatsby Benchmarks, an internationally recognised ‘checklist’ of what schools and colleges need to do to provide the best careers advice) and the North-East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), run from 2015 to 2017.
If you are interested in either supporting or finding out more about the North Derbyshire Careers Hub, please contact D2N2 Careers Hub Lead Dan Heffernan.