Business Growth and Innovation

Businesses large and small drive our economy. We want our region to be a growth-orientated, dynamic, and productive environment where businesses start up, invest, grow, and thrive.
Improving productivity and boosting investment are key drivers for economic growth and better employment opportunities. Working with our partners and through the D2N2 Growth Hub, we can provide the help, advice and resources required to embrace business change, open up access to finance, boost investment, and open up new markets. We want business leaders to be inspired and supported to achieve their goals through strengthened leadership, partnerships, innovation, and trade.
Our work on the business and innovation agendas is led by our Business Growth and Innovation Advisory Board, chaired by Tim Freeman, Deputy Managing Director at Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd.
Supporting Business: The D2N2 Growth Hub
The D2N2 Growth Hub can signpost you to the most appropriate business support through their website and a network of advisors based with partners across the region. The website includes information on business support available from local and national sources including how to access finance, resource efficiency, supply chain development, employing and training your staff, and dates of local business events and seminars.
Made Smarter
The UK is set to be the global leader in the creation, adoption & exportation of advanced digital technologies. The manufacturers of tomorrow use technology to streamline their processes. They are faster, more responsive, and more efficient. Ultimately, they make better products for less. Made Smarter helps you secure this competitive edge.
D2N2, in partnership with Greater Lincolnshire LEP and Leicester & Leicestershire LEP, have secured £3m from central government to bring the Made Smarter programme to the East Midlands.
Smart Manufacturing Data Hub
The Smart Manufacturing Data Hub supports small and medium-sized manufacturers to become more competitive by harnessing the power of data. D2N2 is the lead LEP for this national project which aims to help businesses to explore and evaluate their processes, make operational savings, de-risk investments and become more digital savvy.
International Trade Strategy
D2N2, in partnership with the Department for International Trade, has published a new strategy with a set of clear strategic priorities and actions to support our business community to become more confident and active in international trade to support the competitiveness and productivity of our region.
The B6 Business Group
D2N2 chairs a regular meeting between the Growth Hub and six of the most important business representative organisations in the region. We work collaboratively to share key business intelligence so we can speak with a more powerful voice to government. We aim to reduce duplication, plug gaps and ensure that everyone’s reach into their sectors and places is enhanced. The D2N2 B6 comprises:

Explore our Business Growth Projects
Over the last decade we have supported businesses through a wide range of schemes from direct business support, co-funding new innovation facilities and through working with our partners to strengthen the region’s business networks.
Our Partners