A pledge by Chancellor George Osborne during a speech in Derby today (June 1) to help make the Midlands an “engine for growth” has been welcomed by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, which promotes economic growth in the area.
In his first major speech since the General Election, George Osborne paid a whistle-stop tour to the Midlands. Speaking first this morning at leading engineering firm Garrandale Ltd, in Derby, and then moving on to meet with local authority leaders in the West Midlands.
Mr Osborne told invited guests at Derby – including D2N2 Chief Executive David Ralph – today: “Our plan to rebalance the whole of the UK economy involves making the Midlands an engine of growth.

Mr. Osborne addressing invited guests at Garrandale Ltd. this morning (1st June)
“We will support its key strengths in manufacturing, science and energy. We will make major investments to improve transport connections and improve skills. By creating jobs and allowing people to keep more of the money they earn, we will ensure the Midlands shares in a truly national recovery.”
As part of his visit Mr Osborne was promoting the Government’s commitment to devolution for the English regions; which would see them given greater decision-making powers over business, housing, transport and other vital issues locally, and the budgets to enact them. A Government bill on this will be one of the first to go through the new Parliament.
D2N2 – a partnership of business, local authorities and education providers which promotes economic growth in Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire – has been a strong supporter of devolution for its catchment and helped produce a Devolution Prospectus, which was delivered to Government earlier this year.
Speaking after the Chancellor’s speech, D2N2 Chief Executive David Ralph said: “Regions such as ours are driving forward the UK economic recovery. It makes sense to give D2N2 and other areas greater powers to determine their own economic priorities, based on the expertise and local knowledge of those who live and work here.
“We look forward to working with our local authorities and other partners on the D2N2 area’s devolution offer.”
In addition to devolution, Mr Osborne again mentioned the possibility England’s 39 Local Enterprise Partnerships – including D2N2 – having the opportunity in the near future to bid to extend their existing Enterprise Zones.
The D2N2 area Nottingham and Derby Enterprise Zone includes the Boots Enterprise Zone and Nottingham Medipark, Beeston Business Park and Nottingham Science Park, and Infinity Park in Derby; it also jointly covers the Markham Vale site near Chesterfield, with the Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership.
In a boost to the D2N2 area’s transport network Mr Osborne’s visit included a Government announcement on upgrades to a series of its major roads; including the M1, A52, A38. Outside the area, the M6, M42, M5 and A5 were also set to benefit from extra investment.
To read the D2N2 area’s Devolution Prospectus see web link www.d2n2lep.org/News/d2n2-devolution-prospectus/101583 and for more on its Enterprise Zone see www.d2n2lep.org/Enterprise-Zone
For further information on this news release contact the D2N2 Newsdesk on 0115 9578749 or email: sean.kirby@d2n2lep.org