A world record attempt held this morning (March 7) to have the largest ever number of people take part in a live online careers advice seminar – backed by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership – was watched by more than 10,000 young people.
As part of the annual National Apprenticeship Week, taking place this week (March 6 to 10), co-ordinated by the National Apprenticeship Service, an event called ‘The Big Assembly’ was held this morning (March 7) from 8.45am to 9.15am. The online event attempted to involve the greatest ever number of schools, young people, parents, careers advisors and employers in a single live, video stream; to thousands of UK venues who want to find out more about apprenticeships and post-16 career options.
The event was sponsored by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, the National Apprenticeship Service, and the Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership.
The online event was created by the East and West Midlands Apprenticeship Ambassador Network, regional employers who voluntarily promote employers’ engagement with apprenticeships; Nottinghamshire-based Workpays, which provides free information, guidance and training to help people into the workplace (it is funded by the National Apprenticeship Service); and GetMyFirstJob, a social enterprise connecting young people needing work opportunities with employers and training providers looking for skilled employees.
Whilst not achieving the more than 5,000 log-ins it needed to set a new Guinness World Records title – The Big Assembly actually received 1,809 log-ins from 200 separate schools and colleges – the online event more than doubled its own target for the number of young people who actually watched it, topping 10,000.
Participating businesses and organisations from the D2N2 LEP area (of Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire) who supported The Big Assembly today included East Midlands Chamber, Boots, Toyota, Nottingham City Homes, Derry Building Services, Derby Homes, Futures Housing Group and Nottingham City Council. Students taking part included ones from West Nottinghamshire College (pictured above).
Robert Halfon MP – Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills – took part in the event; which featured information films on apprenticeships, and live chat between apprentices and skills advisors. Apprentices taking part could receive prizes of career-related opportunities, including the chance to shadow the Chief Executive of a major organisation or to be involved in a Boots product launch.
For information on D2N2 LEP skills and training activities see its website at www.d2n2lep.org/skills
Media wanting further information on the work of the D2N2 LEP can contact D2N2 Communications Manager Sean Kirby on 0115 957 8749 or email: sean.kirby@d2n2lep.org