News - 09 February 2017

D2N2 Business Growth Programme helps firms go digital

Organisations with aspirations for growth learnt all about how to use the latest digital tools and technologies to grow, at a free event held today (pictured).

The first in a series of Digital Business Growth Programme launches was held in Nottingham today (Feb 9) and provided delegates with a chance to learn about and sign up to a new programme to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) access the latest digital innovations to help them grow. It was delivered as part of the D2N2 Digital Business Growth Programme, a new initiative part-funded by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

D2N2 is the LEP serving the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire area and works to grow it’s areas economy, with the aim of creating 55,000 new jobs in ten years (2013-2023). As part of this, it has an allocation of European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF), which is used to help address social exclusion (European Social Fund), rural business growth (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development) and SME competitiveness (European Regional Development Fund).

It is this last section of European Funding – the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) – which is providing half of the £7.2m cost of the D2N2 Digital Business Growth Programme. This is due to help around 850 SMEs across the D2N2 LEP area over three years to make better use of digital connectivity to expand their businesses. The other half is coming from a number of organisations, including Nottinghamshire County, Nottingham City, Derbyshire County, Derby City and Rushcliffe Borough councils; Nottingham’s Creative Quarter Company and East Midlands Chamber. Some of the partners will also deliver the programme for businesses.

Today’s workshop was run by the East Midlands Chamber’s Ebusiness Club and the D2N2 Growth Hub – the free and impartial business support and advice service serving Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire – and gave delegates the chance to:    

  • Learn how they could benefit from the programme
  • register interest in applying for technology grant-funding
  • meet with a dedicated Digital Business Adviser to discuss business needs and technology investments in more detail
  • officially register onto the programmeand
  • secure a place on future strategic action-planning workshops

Another ten Digital Growth Programme launches are planned across the D2N2 area in coming weeks, ranging from Rushcliffe in Nottinghamshire, to High Peak in Derbyshire. For more information and to sign up, visit:

For more information on the D2N2 Growth Hub, visit :

For more information on European Funding in the D2N2 area, visit

For More Information on the above release, please contact:

Sean Kirby

D2N2 Communications Manager

01159 578749

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Sam Burbage

D2N2 Social Media and Marketing Officer

01159 578254

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