D2N2 Careers Hub

D2N2 Careers Hub
Careers Hubs bring together schools, colleges, employers, and apprenticeship providers in local areas across England. The goal is to make it easier for schools and colleges to improve how they prepare young people for their next steps. Our Careers Hub enables schools and colleges and their Careers Leaders to access training and support, and to collaborate in a focused way, bringing together best practice and local labour market insight. The Hub offers schools and colleges dedicated support from the D2N2 Careers Team and facilitate partnerships with key employers committed to improving careers across an area.

Volunteer as an Enterprise Adviser
Partner with an individual secondary school or college, and use your business experience and networks to help them develop a strong careers programme. Partnering with a local secondary school or college, you can use your skills, business experience and networks to help them develop a strong careers programme that supports all students.

Cornerstone Employer
Cornerstone employers work strategically with Careers Hubs to support world class careers education at scale in their local region. The D2N2 Careers Hub currently works with 40 cornerstone employers across Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. To contact the local team about joining the cornerstone employer group, contact hubs@d2n2lep.org

Give an Hour
Young people can’t be what they can’t see. The Give an Hour campaign invites you to make a difference to the young people in your area by giving just an hour of your time by delivering careers related activities such as mock interviews or inspirational talks, or hosting an inspiring experience at your workplace, or even recording a skills related video. Our team of Enterprise Coordinators will help match you to a school or college where your support will make the biggest impact, or you can work with your local school. The process is flexible to you! Contact hubs@d2n2lep.org to find out more.
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