Connected Futures is a Youth Futures Foundation programme, supported by D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership.
Across the D2N2 region, Connected Futures is researching the support systems for young people with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Conditions, to identify changes that would enable more effective support into employment.
Connected Futures are holding a partnership event on Thursday 25th January at 14:00-16:00 at The Arkwright Centre Hardwick Drive, Arkwright Town, Chesterfield S44 5BS.
Stakeholders with an interest and expertise in this field are invited to explore some key themes that have been identified and support the Youth Voice Ambassadors to shape the recommendations for change and prepare for a phase of testing.
At the partnership event we’ll be focusing on 3 themes:
- Foundational Skills in Education
- Transition: Consistent Pathways into Employment
- Employer Support
This 10-minute presentation, produced by the Youth Voice Ambassadors about the journey of the project to date, provides more information about the project, what has been achieved so far and further details about the partnership event.
VENUE: Arkwright Centre Hardwick Drive, Arkwright Town, Chesterfield S44 5BS
DATE: Thursday 25th January at 14:00-16:00
D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) covers the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire region, convening the businesses, universities, colleges, and local authorities in our region to drive low carbon, economic growth and productivity, skills & careers, inclusion and delivery excellence.
For media enquiries, contact:
Nicola Swaney
Head of External Affairs, D2N2 LEP