Nottingham City Council will be holding a set of free services later this month, to provide details on a £6.1million project which will provide new and improved cycling facilities in Nottingham, funded by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
The sessions will be delivered by means of an ‘infobus’, which will consult with residents on an exciting new scheme designed to improve the cycling experience in Nottingham, as well as increasing the number of cyclists in the area. The first phase of this project will consist of a ‘Western Corridor’, which will run from University Boulevard in Lenton to Daleside Road East in Colwick.
Nottingham City Council’s Cycle City Ambition will be funded by D2N2 – the Local Enterprise Partnership for Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. The funding for the entire project amounts to £6.1million and is for two years – from April 2015 through to March 2017. It will consist of making safety improvements, refurbishing existing cycle routes and offering cyclists quick and easy access into Nottingham to create a cycling super highway.
Nottingham’s Cycle City Ambition aims to increase cycling experience and cyclist numbers
The money for Nottingham’s Cycle City Ambition came from the Government’s Local Growth Fund – set up to provide financial support to each LEP area in England – D2N2 was allocated a grand total of £174.3million.
The ‘infobus’ will be giving information along various locations along the new route, giving information to members of the public about the project.
For more details, and to see a map of where the new route will be, click here
For more information about the work of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, click here