D2N2’s Chief Executive David Ralph has joined other business and council leaders in welcoming news today (July 17) that the newly-dualled A453 is to open this weekend.
Highways England has announced that traffic cones will be lifted from the rural section of the A453, linking Nottingham to the M1 motorway, over the weekend, ahead of a formal opening and naming ceremony on Monday (July 20).
The five-and-a-half mile long rural section of the A453 has been upgraded to a dual carriageway, with two grade separated junctions.
D2N2 Chief Executive David Ralph
A one-and-a-half mile long urban section in Clifton has been widened from a single lane to two lanes in each direction. The urban section opened on June 1, ahead of schedule.
David Ralph, Chief Executive of the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “Voices across the public and private sectors, including the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership’s, have been calling for improvements to the A453 for many years.
“As a main access point to the city, easing traffic flow along it will have obvious benefits for business, in terms of saving commuters and freight movers travelling time and costs.”
Chris Hobson, Director of Policy at the East Midlands Chamber, added: “The need to improve the A453 was one of those occasions where business, the public sector, local authorities and politicians were in agreement about the benefits it would bring. It was something that had been needed for about 40 years and had been a top transport priority for a decade.
“Nottinghamshire County Council and its other partners deserve great credit for coming together to make the aims of this campaign a reality. The newly-widened road will reduce congestion, improve safety and enable local firms to generate more economic output and activity.”
Councillor Alan Rhodes, Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “The improvements to this vital route are going to bring enormous economic benefits to Nottinghamshire as a whole, as well as reducing travel time for passengers.”
The widening scheme will improve access to the East Midlands Parkway train station and the NET Phase 2 Park-and-Ride facility at the Mill Hill Roundabout, Clifton.
Highways England has warned that there will still be some roadside activity while tidy-up and finishing works take place, and resources are moved from the site. This may necessitate some overnight closures including temporary speed restrictions in the next couple of months.
For media enquiries on this news release call D2N2 Communications Officer Sean Kirby on 01159 578749 or email sean.kirby@d2n2lep.org