D2N2 LEP has a successful track record of delivering DfE funded Skills Bootcamps, which have been developed by the Government as part of the Lifetime Skills Guarantee and Plan for Jobs
We intend to build on this by applying to deliver a Wave 3 programme in Digital Skills and Green Skills to support individuals and employers across the East Midlands
Skills Bootcamps are short courses of up to 16 weeks to help adults aged 19 or over progress quickly.
Course participants get an interview with a local employer after completion of the course, so they know the time investment will be worth it and courses are designed to fill local skills gaps, so if they want to explore other options, they’ll have skills that will appeal to a range of local employers.
D2N2 LEP as the lead partner is now seeking delivery partners that can deliver Digital and Green Skills within and across the D2N2 LEP, Greater Lincolnshire LEP and Leicester & Leicestershire LEP areas.
TENDER 1: Skills Bootcamps in Green Skills (closes 7 February 2022)
TENDER 2: Skills Bootcamps in Digital (closes 4 February 2022)
Any technical questions relating to the tender should be sent to Richard Kirkland, Employment and Skills Manager, via email to Richard.kirkland@d2n2lep.org